Sunday, January 31, 2016

Government class is over and Economics begins!

Feb 1   Economics DIN:
1) When you hear the word - Economics - what are the first 10 words that you think of?

2)  Describe the STATUS  of your Research paper AND   community service

The remainder of the class, will be used to complete your research paper - community service reflection.

IF you are done, then create an economics blog.


Last two days to turn your research paper  and community service documents.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Weel of January 25th thru January 28th

The Following were due Monday - January 25
Post Draft Research Paper
Complete Bibliography
Complete Community Service and Rep[ort, with signed work log submitted,

Final Revision of  Documents
 last day - January 28th or online January January 29th.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Jan 22- Class Assignmnet

Writing the Research Paper

Today - was the final day to utilize a class set of US History Textbooks to find factual information to support research paper. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20th Assignment - US History Textbook Research

DIN:   Put name and topic on the Research Note / Summary Sheet.  Then look up in the index the topic / example . and create a summary

1) Create an outline of your thematic essay.

2)  Then  brain storm ideas, details to put into your outline and essay. 

3) Submit draft outline / research paper to your blog.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday January 15th Government Assignment

1) Your community service evaluation report is due today.  You will be able to revise it. This is only a draft - answer as many of the questions - see the community service tab to copy and past.

2) Next - start collecting information for your research paper. You can have classmates, teachers to help you with the information. You will need at least  10 sources of information, to put in your bibliography.  You have already been provided three.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday - Government Notes - January 12

Discussion centered on what is Community. Why does Ubuntu matter? How does it connect to culture and society?

What is Ubuntu Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Monday, January 11, 2016

George Orwell - Animal Farm Quotes

 Book - Animal Farm
Orwell, George.
 Animal Farm
New York: 
Published - Harcourt, Brace & Co.
Type of Media :   Print.
First published August 17th 1945

Key Quote: 
Quotes on Animal Farm - click here

Key Ideas:  Government,  Communism, Revolution, Fascism, Marx, Hitler, WWII, Great Depression, WWI, 1945, Story, Allegory, 

Animal Revolution, Good Government, Human Nature, Liberty and Justice 


------------ Summary-----

  Animal Farm is an allegory (__________) about some ____________ who revolt and take over the __________. George ________,  the author, wrote this book to discuss government ideas  and the problems of  C__________ and F _________.